My dad and I went cross-country skiing years and years ago and I was so hungover I threw up on the side of the trail. He didn’t get mad at all.
He just said, “You should’ve told me you felt that badly! But you’ll feel fine by sundown.”
I felt better hours before that—all that cross country skiing was good cardio that pumped a lot of extra O2 into my system.
And he was right, by sundown I felt great!
He laughed at me.
”It‘s like when you quit hitting your head against a brick wall! Feeling normal feels great!” he said.
And that’s how I feel right now. I have been feeling like my usual self for months, but I had some pesky swelling around the scar on my neck. It was bugging the hell out of me.
So I said, “Hey, can I do something about this?” And they said, “Yup!” So now I am doing physical therapy for that and by God, it is working! I look a little less as though I’m being garroted from behind by an assassin. And the physical therapist I’m working with has assured me that all will be normal. I was doing everything he told me to do and didn’t like much was happening—and all of a sudden: Progress!
Ditto my work with my speech pathologist, who, as you know!, is from Wisconsin! I went back for round two yesterday and am making real progress. I came with the report from my barium swallow at MD Anderson last week. She read it and my throat is fine!
So I am just continuing my physical therapy exercises for my vocal cords and working in some new ones. It’s all pretty damn cool.